R+D Kitchen | Scottsdale
Along Scottsdale Road, within the Resort District, the proposed R+D Kitchen is a complementary and sensitive structure to the existing architecture of the District. The building is meant to touch the ground lightly and achieve a minimal impact to the natural Sonoran desert setting. The restaurant has historically served many local residents and workers in the community and hopes to remain a convenient and enjoyable place to enjoy a delicious meal in a comfortable environment.
Scottsdale Road is marked by attractive low rise structures, garden walls and mature landscape. The restaurant forms an attractive and important frontage for the Hilton Village Shopping Center. Nestled in a new water conserving landscape, the shaded building serenely rests within a renewed desert garden with easy access from the road, adjacent shops, bicyclists and pedestrians.
Type: Restaurant
Scottsdale, Arizona
Architects: SAA
Client: Hillstone Restaurant Group
Status: Idea